Innate Knowing

Our Innate Knowing is our inner compass, the seat where the soul knows precisely what to do; to create the journey to heal ourselves, to remember and discover what is true.

There is no one outside ourselves that can ever fill this role. There is no other who knows what we know; it comes only through the wisdom of the soul.

Until we make a conscious choice to remember and reconnect, we stumble along, lost in our journey; unable to self guide and direct.

We unconsciously embrace life and the experiences it offers from habitual states of egoistic mind, until we are willing to step into the present, to remember our divine design.

We are the One we have come to discover; we are the One we have come to set free. When we learn to trust our intuitive nature, we embody the Soul’s sacred key.

The key to our freedom is to trust in our knowing, faithfully and without doubt. No matter where we stand on the Earth, we will always know the way in and the way out.

If we are willing to trust that where we are is precisely where we are to be, our innate knowing will always guide the journey, as we create an authentic reality.

A reality that honors the Soul and its knowing; one that honors who we are. Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit, we become the Soul’s Avatar.


Power of Presence

