What is reality? It all depends on who you ask. Some say it is truth and some say it is a perceptual view. Yet how we perceive reality is determined by what we choose to be true.
To regard the truth and the reality thereof, demands a willingness to see beyond, through and above.
Above the unconscious habits of mind, that create over and over again the disillusions we find.
Our choices about truth are based upon our habitual design, until we choose to do the work to free our hearts and our minds.
This is the beyond, the through and the above; the willingness to reclaim ownership of our light and our love.
Reality is what we conceive with our thoughts, until we discover that our beliefs are based upon what we have been taught.
We have handed our power away to feel, see, know and understand, to every external source who has made that demand.
Until we choose to reclaim the power to feel, we will walk through life unable to distill; the truth from the false, the unreal from the real; illusions will continue to deceive and conceal.
To conceal what is true, what is authentic and real, because we have forgotten to honor how we feel.
It is not through our thoughts that we discover what is true. It is our feelings that bring to light the truth of who we are, what we know and what we view.
We are the ones who must honor how we feel. This is how truth makes itself known. When we honor how we feel and we choose in that truth, we make life itself our own.
Know this. Understand this. It is our ultimate goal. To create a reality that honors the Self; the heart, the mind and the soul.