We carry within us every thing we will ever need to know, about who we are and how to engage, in the evolution of our soul. We are on this journey to enlighten ourselves; to transform and once again, become whole.
We are spiritual Beings having a human experience, and every experience is an opportunity to understand and to know. We are here on this earth to remember what we have forgotten; to bridge the above with what is below.
Life provides many teachers and guides, offering assistance and direction. However, we are the ones who must choose what we bring to life, to create our most authentic connection.
When we find ourselves unclear about how to proceed in life, asking another can be helpful and instrumental; while always owning each experience as an opportunity to discover within ourselves, all that is transcendental.
To remember ourselves, we must be willing to ask and answer each and every question. For our questions are the path to what we seek to discover; they hold within them what we are here to remember and recover.
When we look within and trust that we do in fact know, we bring into the light what to embrace and what to let go. We remember that we carry within us everything we will ever need. We are the ones who know how to proceed.
Whatever is occurring in the present moment, is what we are being asked to understand; experiencing and observing within ourselves what is; the wisdom being offered, firsthand.
Become who you are. Know what you know. Embrace the divine plan.
You do indeed know!