True Nature

True Nature. What is it and what does it really mean? Is it who we are, who we choose to be or who we become in between?

True nature is that which is intrinsic, essential; it is the full expression of the soul. The soul that is here to remember itself and to play fully its authentic role.

 To bring the soul fully to life requires a willingness to accept who we are; all the parts of self that play their roles, the most beautiful or the most bizarre. 

 When we are willing to accept these parts, we engage in the process of healing. Healing the ways in which we learned to judge ourselves, for being undesirable and unappealing.

 We have feared our brilliance because another may judge, that we are shining our light too bright. Or perhaps we fear the darkness within, losing touch with our knowing and insight.

 In the moments that we tell ourselves, we are less than, unworthy and inadequate, we engage in denying our true nature’s state, as we put the soul back to sleep and misdirect our own fate.

 A fate in which we live in illusion, less than who we truly can be. A fate that befalls such a soul as this, is to live life trapped, bound and unfree.

 Each one of us must step through the illusions, that our habits of mind have created. The ways in which we have abandoned ourselves and true nature has been sedated.

 To remember is why we have come into these bodies, to become who we are; to bring our true nature back to life and become the soul’s avatar.

 Choose to live life in freedom, in the peace and happiness that is your soul’s birth right. Embrace every moment to make the choice to in joy, your true nature’s delight.



